Program Reminders

Reminder that all programs are CLOSED on the following days:

Friday, August 28

Friday, September 4

Monday, September 7

Also, there is an Early Release scheduled for Thursday, September 3, for Young Fives and all PK-5th grade students.  The Young Fives program will dismiss at 12:00 p.m., and all PK-5th grade students will be dismissed at 12:15 p.m.  Students whose normal schedule includes Thursday after school care will be allowed to attend the after school program until it's closing time of 6:00 p.m.

This Early Release day does not affect the schedule for the full day preschool program, which remains open from 6:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m.

To see all future Early Release and closed dates, please see the attached CALENDAR.

Key Cards:

If you are a family waiting for key cards at your before/after school care site, please note that they will be available soon.  If you are unable to enter your before/after school care site, please call into the classroom directly:

Bauer:  616-669-5609

Georgetown:  616-457-2609

Jamestown Lower: 616-669-5058

Jamestown Upper:  616-896-1788

South:  616-379-7553

NEW Online Payment Provider:  Tuition Express

We are partnering with a new online payment provider, "Tuition Express."  This system allows parents to make payments using their debit or credit card, or to set up automatic recrurring payments from a debit or credit card, or a checking or savings accounts.  For more information, click HERE.