Title I Information
Title I funding is used to offer support services to students who need extra time and instruction to master grade level curriculum. Title I schools are identified through a state formula each year. The following schools were identified as Title I schools for 2023-2024:
- Forest Grove Elementary
- South Elementary
- Riley Street Middle School
A parent letter will be sent home if your child is identified as eligible for support services funded through Title I. Title I services may be short term or long term depending on the needs of each individual student. We are pleased to offer these services to help ALL of our students be successful.
As parents of students receiving Title I support services, we encourage you to be actively involved in any curricular decisions for your child. Please read the Hudsonville Board Policy Language to review your rights as parents in our Title I program.
Title I schools are required by the state and federal government to provide information to parents on school and district school improvement plans, parent involvement plans, and school compact agreements. If you would like more information on these plans or have questions about Title I services, please contact Lindsey Bolhouse, State and Federal Program Coordinator ([email protected]) or your child's building principal.
Thank you!