How Sick is Too Sick?

When Children and Staff Should Stay Home from School or Child Care 

At Hudsonville Public Schools, we highly encourage the recommendations from Ottawa County Health Department (OCHD) and the CDC on when someone is too sick to go to school, work, or child care.

These are the main reasons to keep sick children and adults at home:

  1. The child or staff member does not feel well enough to take part in usual activities. For example, a child is overly tired, fussy or will not stop crying.
  2. A child needs more care than teachers and staff can give while still caring for the other children.
  3. The symptom or illness is on the list below, and staying home is required.

Remember, the best ways to stop the spread of infection is staying home when sick.

For the most up-to-date information please visit the Disease-Specific Information and Exclusion Guidelines page.