School Closing Information
Hudsonville Public Schools utilizes multiple methods to distribute school closings to staff and the community. These are intended to provide the quickest and most efficient delivery of school closings to all target audiences.
Due to the timing of school closings, it is difficult to provide all target audiences with a medium that expressly meets their needs in the time frames expected. In addition to the recipient expectations that complicate the process, there are system implications that increase or reduce the time notifications require.
Below are the options that individuals have of receiving notifications:
- - The district website is the most reliable way to determine if school is closed. It is updated the quickest and can have additional information.
- Twitter – This year the district will be utilizing a twitter account ( for notifications. For Twitter information, go to You can sign up for twitter updates and have them sent via SMS text to your SMS enabled phone. (Depending on your cell phone plan, charges may apply.) We anticipate this being one of the quickest ways to receive notifications. For information, go to Please note – other notifications may appear on Twitter other than school closings.
- School Messenger – Phone notifications can take between 7 and 20 minutes for the 7,000 calls that are generated. If multiple districts are pushing calls at the same time, it is possible that the local phone exchanges can have difficulty handling the volumes.
- GRAIL/TV – The GRAIL TV notifications is subject to each stations handling of the information that we provide. It can take between a minute and 15 minutes for the TV stations to post the information that we provide. During major closings, TV stations sometimes do not post the information or inaccurately post the information provided.