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Athletic Results

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Few Reminders:

Please be aware that your son/daughter needs a physical on file before he/she will be allowed to tryout (cut sports) or practice (non-cut sports). This is a safety issue and is non-negotiable. Once you have one done for the Fall sports season, you are all set for the year. You must have  a physical on file in the office dated April 15, 2021 or after. Sport Physicals can be obtained from your Dr.’s office, Med1 (459-6331 or 494-8271), MetroHealth (252-8700) and Grand Valley Health Plan (949-2410). Please help our coaches run tryouts smoothly by having this taken care of prior to the start of your sport. 

Other notable information, please make sure to have a signed Athletic Code Waiver and paid participation ($75) turned in as well. A club sport (Football & Competitive Cheer) is not considered a school “pay to participate sport.” There will be fees, rental cost of uniform, invitational fees, etc. that will not be covered under the fee of $75.00 for middle schoolers. If this is the first school sport your son/daughter is participating in, the Athletic Code and Participation Fee must be in by the first game in order to continue playing on the team. The sooner we can get this issues taken care of now, the less the burden is later come game time. Thanks for your help!