School Profile and GED Info

School Profile 2022-23

Michigan Works! GED Program

MICHIGAN WORKS! has a WIOA Youth Program that helps students through the GED process. The program can look at enrolling students who are 16-24 yrs old. They can help with paying for any GED Practice or Official Tests and also offer weekly tutoring. The GED prep is done online, so it takes a lot of self-motivation. If a student is 18, they can look into attending classes through Adult Ed which offers more of that “classroom” feel. If interested, contact WIOA at 616-494-8843. They will schedule an appointment and will take it from there.

Do You Need Your GED?

The Hudsonville Literacy-To-Work Program is offering GED classes at the Hudsonville Congregational Unity Church of Christ.  Check out this flier for more information.